Saturday, September 17, 2011

5 things to make solar highways even cooler

So when I first heard about solar highways, the idea to turn roads into electricity generators, I set up a Google News alert for "solar highways".  (using the quotes makes Google only find the words in the order I specify)  COOL!  Look what just showed up in my email!

5 Things to Make Solar Highways Even Cooler | Solar Feeds
Sustainable technology development is the need of the hour. With fast depleting natural resources, threat to survival has become evident. The scientists.

Sept. 19th is Monday!!!

Which is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!  Arrrr...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

watch good Samaritans learn what a hernia is

This video is incredible:
"A fiery rescue in Utah was caught on tape Monday.
A car hit a motorcycle in Logan. The bike slid under the car, trapping the rider under the car as flames burst out.
Grad student Chris Garff, who shoots video of lectures and school events for Utah State University, happened to be there when it happened, and began getting the scene on video.
Half a dozen people tried the lift the blazing BMW.
"We were cheering them on, like 'Get that car up! Get that guy outta there!" Garff says.
No luck.
Then, a flood of people swarmed the car and crane it managed to lift it into the air.
A construction worker dragged the limp body from under the 4,000 pounds of steel.
"It felt like he was motionless for a very, very long. It felt like forever," Garff says. "I thought he was a goner."
But then, as one witness described it, "He's moving! No freakin' way!"

This video is incredible:

what 9/11/11 looked like to a "half-Arab, half-Jewish housewife" on a plane

This was in today's Google-News-by-email, and it's a VERY sobering reminder of what it's like to go through life in America post-9/11/01 if you look even remotely Middle Eastern.  I can't imagine.  And some days -I- think I have it tough.
   The news article explaining briefly what happened to Shoshana Hebshi, a "half-Arab, half-Jewish housewife", as she sat peacefully aboard a plane on 9/11/11

But what's a really good read is her insightful blog post about the incident:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

remembering 9/11

I have to say something on the 10 year anniversary of that horrific tragedy.  Look at this news article I got in my "Google News by email" feed.  (I'd share the link to sign up, but I can't figure out how to, see this discussion if you're interested in getting the top news stories daily in your email)  Back to 9/11, oh yeah.  This video absolutely astounded me.  It's not about the towers, it's shows President Bush's non-reaction when he hears the news that America is under attack.  Whether you're a Bush fan or absolutely not, here's the leader of the free world learning that his country is in a surprise war... and because he's in front of a class of elementary students, HAS NO VISIBLE REACTION.  That's astounding!  My respect for W. just shot though the roof!  To be able to so calmly handle himself after receiving the news that America is under attack is just breathtaking.  I mean, face it, most of us would immediately let out a scream, run around in circles, and yell "FORGET THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN, HELP ME!" while putting a kitchen pot over our heads.  ;-)  But no, look at this:
Well done, W.  Those schoolchildren were able to calmly continue their day because you were able to control yourself in the crucial moment-- WELL DONE INDEED!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Next Saturday...

... is the next-to-last of this century's only twelve days with sequential dates.  Write the date of next Saturday in MM-DD-YY form.  See it now?  Mark your calendar for the final one, which will be one year, one month, and one day after this one!

Hide -n- go seek

Profile for CacheDeal

In between Q & S is Arrr!

My pirate name is:
Captain Jack Kidd
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
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