What do you call a deer with no eyes? (theirs) I have no ideer. (all mine) Properly spelled. A side meat. Roadkill. Redneck thanksgiving.
eHarmMe is all about number 8
First you rate
Then you date
And either you hate
Or it's great
And you hope to mate
When astronauts land on the moon, are they aliens?
What kind of pennies do cops carry?
So, I went to see the Duke eye doctor today for my bad double vision where the image is slanted in my injured eye and sorta moves a small amount. That's after waiting around three hours in two waiting rooms and seeing two pre-doctor doctors. And there was a machine on his desk with the buttons P.O.C., O.V.R., and "Fix" on it. Turn off the "Pain On Command" (or "Pee On Chair", it was a pediatric doctor). Turn ON the "Orbital Vision Rectify". Well, duh, just let me press the "Fix" button and the bad double vision is gone! But... not so much... at all. The doctor said "blah blah blah, sucks to be you, technical jargon technical jargon technical jargon, we don't know of any way to fix THAT, medical terminology medical terminology medical terminology, have a nice day now." So I HEAR people with one eye covered up (i.e. no depth perception) can learn to drive cars. Huh. In three months, helloooo Mayo clinic.
Then, after that incredibly depressing news, we went for a walk around a pond on Duke's campus and saw two girls across the lake with two dogs, so I went over to see if they were friendly (THE DOGS). And they let me pet the dogs and it turns out there was a lesson for me to learn. But first, it turns out they got the dogs from a Humane Society. Go Humane Societies! One of the dogs had ONLY THREE LEGS, because he was in a car wreck. (sound familiar?) But the owner said he had learned to be happy and make the best of what he's got, so maybe I should try that, too. One way or the other, that dog's name should be Eileen.
Well, vision therapy's worked miracles so far, so even though the doc was not hot on 'em, I've proven EVERY doctor wrong so far, so I'm gonna "set my hope on fire."
And I think I'm gonna have very exciting news tomorrow, so stay tuned to the same Bat channel, same Bat time...