Monday, May 5, 2008


Does wild rice have to be shot?

Ok, so I realized that asking a cop to arrest my mom wouldn't work, 'cause they need probable cause (or Improvable Cause, my old improv comedy troupe). So I thought I should say "pssst... check that lady who's not related to me for drugs." But nah, 'cause how would I know? And the realization was that any joke that ends in a cop frisking you was not a good joke to begin with. It's just in bad taste.

I don't know who this "Oxy" person is, but they must be a real moron.

So, it wasn't until today that I had the realization that several female nurses saw me naked in the hospital. Hmmmm... yeah... you know that mental list every guy always has of all the women who've seen him naked? Added two to mine...

If you eat lots of alphabet soup, do you have lots of vowel movements?

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