Sunday, October 19, 2008

42 ways to have 42 good days in a row

Have fun playing this.

So it's not surprising that my favorite book is The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (by Brit Douglas Adams).

I've read it/them a number of times. I say them since that 1st book turned out only to be the start of 5 books in an "increasingly inaccurately misnamed trilogy." A VERY important number in that book is 42. (grab a copy to find out why, and now you can get all 5 books in one hard-bound volume) So just recently, we figured out for the 1st time why I'm drawn to that number:
-Born at 4216 Melbourne Court
-Grew up at 42 Springwood Drive
-4 Fathom Court, on lot 2

Have a never-ending series of 42 fantastic days!

1 comment:

  1. That is really weird how that works out with all the addresses---and especially because there are exactly forty two words in this sentence I am writing to you now to be posted in your Captain's Log comment section on this page.


Say something here. In an ideal world, it would reference the post above...

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