Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Golden Birthday!

IT'S MY GOLDEN BIRTHDAY this exact minute (9:59)!!!

This only happens once per lifetime (in this universe). It's 30 on the 30th! Hopefully with 30 friends & family members, opening 30 presents, and I may be trying to have 30 strawberry milkshakes simultaneously, so I'll have an E.R. with 30 doctors per patient on 30 standbys (why more than one?). And amazingly (we measured 30 times), my balance is 30 times better than a year ago. And-- get this-- my balance is INFINITE times better than 30 years and 1 second ago!

I leave you with some almost-haiku a birdy in my dreams left:

I have turned thirty
Bummer that clothes I wear are dirty
So I don new shirty
(I've applied some cleansing squirty)
I do hope women still be flirty
On flip side of thirty!!!

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