Saturday, April 4, 2009

Vocational Rehab, day #10, DDT at the MDC

So Friday when I was at the MDR in the MDC, I found out I may start DDT on Monday. Woo-hoo!

Since that made no sense to anyone who's not currently residing in my head, here's the explanation (summed up from the CliffsNotes). So Voc. Rehab is a state program. It is long-standing federal law that all state-run programs must incorporate as many acronyms as they legally can. YKWIM? Plus, it makes it sound cooler. So instead of calling it a gymnasium (like the rest of us do), it's known as the Muscle Development Center, most commonly "MDC." And in the MDC are a swimming pool, physical therapy and a weight lifting room. So to CLEARLY distinguish among those since they're so easily confused, the weights room is the "MDR". Any guesses? Yes, the Muscle Development Center has a Muscle Development Room. I suppose that's so that when you're talking, you can easily distinguish between the free-weights room & the pool without having to resort to the tedious "...the one that isn't full of water."

DDT: So every time I've swum since the wreck, it's always the breaststroke with my face OUT OF THE WATER. That's since the 2 or 3 times I've tried to swim in the lake, I get my head underwater, and open my mouth and suck in a giant lungful of ... water. Cough cough, cough. Cough. Dang -cough- TBI. Now if my head goes underwater, it's with my hand over nose and mouth. So I explained why to the lifeguard, and -cough- Monday she promised to start what I've termed Don't Drown Training (DDT). So for months, every time I've been in water, it's been my policy to say out loud several times before I get wet "I am not a fish. I am not a fish. I am not a fish."

And this gave my parents a chuckle, so here ya go: on Friday I introduced myself to the lifeguard with this: "I just make it a habit to know the name of the person who might have to give me mouth-to-mouth."

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