Monday, November 2, 2009

good grade & a new bus stop

Good news!
  1. First, my school grades! Now I wouldn't have just blatantly bragged about good grades in college #1, but that was Jeff 1.0 with a normal brain. We have no idea what Jeff 2.0's gonna turn out to be like, so heck yeah I'm bragging about any & every good thing! We just got back my fourth test in this veterinary terminology class. My 1st test grade in this field was a 96-- whoa, sweet! My 2nd came back an 88. Alright, still very good. The third came back a 76. Alright, now I'm concerned about the trend I'm noticing here. So it was with trepidation that I took my test back in class today. FOR NO REASON-- I GOT A 108!!! (4 out of 5 bonus questions right) So look, I'm not bragging "Look how smart I am." It's just that we had no clue how with-it this post-TBI Jeff was gonna be. But look at that! And allow me to brag for a second-- "Look how smart I am!"
  2. Other piece of great news-- so my folks and I are all about my regaining independence, just to show I can do it. I don't currently drive, and my college campus isn't on a bus route (yet). So my folks come over to take me to my weekly class. Also, since the nearest bus stop to the Humane Society makes for a slightly scary walk though a questionable apartment complex, after veterinary class we make it an animal day by driving to the Humane Society and volunteering to walk dogs. "What? The bus doesn't stop there? They won't stop there since it's not an approved bus stop? They go right down that road, even passing it!" So I talked to several bus system supervisors, and dad called & wrote a bunch of emails. And guess what? TODAY THEY PUT A NEW BUS STOP SIGN THERE! Limits that you think are set in stone may very well be movable. Persistence definitely pays off. So now I can go enjoy me some doggy-action whenever I feel like it-- well, as long as 'whenever' is within the bus schedule, and that's fine.

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