Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If you have free time: Google Blog / the year in Youtube

So I love almost everything Google does, 'cause they do it oh so right. That's why I got a G1 cell phone (my only phone). Anybody can write applications for it, so it's got TONS of incredibly useful applications and very cool games (often free or very cheap). If you're already paying for, say, a Blackberry, the G1 is $10 cheaper a month! (I'm pretty sure) And it's getting better all the time, since it runs software maintained by a global open network of volunteers, Android. Like, the Google Maps application just got updated to where it will use the G1's built-in GPS to SPEAK the turn-by-turn directions somewhere, whether you're driving, walking, or taking public transit (as long as it's on Google Maps), so your eyes stay on the ol' road. And if you miss a turn, it re-routes FAST. We've had several car GPS units in my family over the years (anybody wanna buy KITT (in action) for a seriously reduced price?), and this just became the best. (and I should say here that running out and buying a G1 right now may not be wise, as word on the street is that there will be a Google Phone, sorta made by Google or something, within the year-- should be wicked cool, but if the rumors are true, also prohibitively wicked expensive)

So back to the point, Jeff. Okay, right. So I get the Google blog daily in my email, and they just posted a year-end review of Youtube videos (Google owns Youtube). The highlights were humorous enough to share:
Most Watched YouTube videos (Global):
1. Susan Boyle - Britain's Got Talent (120+ million views)
2. David After Dentist (37+ million views)
3. JK Wedding Entrance Dance (33+ million views)
4. New Moon Movie Trailer (31+ million views)
5. Evian Roller Babies (27+ million views)

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