Tuesday, April 6, 2010

my new love / you need Gmail

Riley Knox
After just 2 days, I was in love.  This dog is so sweet.  She'll flop over for a belly rub at the drop of a hat. (well, for me at least)  We had her on Main Street Greenville yesterday, and she was fine with the noise (even as a fire engine roared by, blaring full volume) and loved getting all the attention that a doggie this cute demands from pedestrians.  And she doesn't demand it from anyone, she just appreciates it very much.
So all in all, I've figured out that this is what was missing from Jeff 1.0's life.  This is what led to my not feeling connected to anything and thinking about just leaving this greatest town ever.  I would often say "I don't have a dog, I have thirty dogs" since I volunteer weekly at the Humane Society.  But how much different is volunteering to walk dogs for 5 minutes each, and pet ownership.  HOLY TAR-BUCKETS.

OK, so a buddy just signed up for Gmail, and so I made a quick "welcome to Gmail, here's what you need to know" for him.  Then I figured everybody with email needs to see it, and it was a matter of minutes to make it a Document.  (it's a quick read, about a page)  For those of you without Gmail, here's the power you're missing, and even if you're nowhere near my level of being a dork, they make it easy with good help.  For those of you with Gmail, perhaps here's a few tips to get more out of it and move into being a power user.  GMAIL BASICS  It would just tickle me pink to get any or all of my readers to move to Gmail.  I mean, first off, if your email address is just whatever your Internet Service Provider gave you, then everything you have will be lost when you switch to a cheaper ISP, which I guarantee is easy to find (I would start by Googling).  My parents switched from dial-up to DSL through their phone company, and it's WAY faster and $10/month cheaper.  Thus, email that's independent of your ISP is just smarter. And really, you could sign up for Gmail and not tell anybody and take it for a test drive first.  Seems kinda a no-brainer.

Oh man what a good game

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