Saturday, August 7, 2010

well, it's official now, I've moved

That was a big move, big indeed.  How big?  Well, my new address has the same state as my old address, so nope, I didn't change states, I like South Cackalacky, even though we were the first state to secede.  (everybody makes mistakes, it's how well you learn from them that counts)  So not the state then, the city?  No, no, same city, love this city.  Street address?  No, no, exact same street address as before.  So what DID change?  

Well, where before my street address ended in "apt. 2E", it now ends in "apt. 2C".  Yeah, that's just across the hall.  Big whoop, right? Why did I pack up all of my furniture and clothes and stuff just to move across the friggin' hallway?  Well it is a big whoop for me since this apartment has only one bedroom, and half the bedrooms equals half the cost.  I can dig THAT.  Now the cool part about this studio is that the balcony is RIGHT ON MAIN STREET.  I CAN DIG THAT TOO.  Christmas parade, I've got front-row seats, on the deck if it's warm or through the bedroom window if it's cold.  It's just like Navin R. Johnson once famously (or not) said, "Things are going to start happening to me now..."

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