Sunday, May 8, 2011

allow me to brag a bit...

   So we all know that I've been all the way down at the very bottom.  There was a period where I couldn't eat, couldn't go to the bathroom, couldn't even breathe, those were all handled for me.  Once I awoke and had those functionally mastered, there was still nowhere to go but up.  That's why it was so nice that the Acceleration Sports Institute got bought by the hospital at just the right time in my recovery, and I was able to effectively use their SpeedFlex equipment without a real risk of injuring myself.  So I busted butt.  When you're working out there you can wear a heart monitor from Polar, and it shows your heart rate on several TVs on the wall-- but that doesn't really mean much, so in addition it shows you in a large font what percentage that is of your maximum heart rate, 220-your age.  So it's nice to be able to look up & see that you're only at 80% of your max. (80% is what's recommended by the American Heart Association as an upper limit)  (that's also why it was a bit worrisome when I looked up one time & saw 116% and another time 108%-- "Am I about to die?")  So I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I kinda am.  This is an astounding fitness tool, and I take full advantage, and I'm so glad other people have learned of the magic of SpeedFlex-- because of me-- and this one person in particular.
   It was so nice when the hospital wanted feedback on the gym they had just bought, and I was invited to speak to the chairmen of all the departments at the hospital, after I'd been attending A.S.I. for about two months.  One of the men in the room that day was Doran Dunaway, who suffers from that evil known as Parkinson's disease, and all of you on the Knox side of the family are intimately acquainted with how that affected our beloved Papa.
   I'll let Doran tell you how that speech that day affected his life, and the results are astounding.  Not just for him, but for Parkinson's sufferers everywhere.
   Go to and put your mouse over "video clips", then click on "SpeedFlex Benefits".  Mr. Dunaway is the first one up there, and you can skip to the 3:00 mark to see how I'm involved, go check out this coolness.
   My path from the bottom has helped other people!  SWEET!!!

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