Friday, October 28, 2011

"10 Greenville schools locked down for manhunt"

So this was amusing.  Greenville Tech has been sending a flurry of text messages to my phone about a nearby shooting at a police officer this morning (news coverage), where the guy had a freaking rifle, that caused them to put the school on lockdown.  Since I don't have classes on Fridays this semester, I don't really care.  (and you'd think they'd check class schedules before sending out a school-wide panic alert, but no... which verifies that it really is just a two-bit technical college. ;-) yuk yuk)  And while I was in the grocery store just now, my folks called to describe what they heard on the news that the suspect looks like... they've got my back.  "It's a black man wearing a gray sweatshirt."  My reaction was "Um, wouldn't it just be easier to say THE GUY WITH THE RIFLE?"  So this might happen:
     "There he is!  Duck and cover!"  
     "Nah, the suspect was described as wearing a grey sweatshirt, and that sweatshirt is clearly an off-mauve tone.  Don't pay this guy with a rifle any attention since he's not wearing a grey sweatshirt... He looks angry, but Duke did lose a home game last night, so go figure... I'm mad about that too, heck, gimme a rifle!"

(I'm sorry guys, but that was pretty doggone funny.  So I need to be selective about which gunmen I watch out for-- silly me, I've had it wrong all these years; I've just been fleeing all gunmen.  I guess maybe I should get to know them first, then flee...  "OH, you're the gunman who just went through a third divorce... I heard about you, bye!")

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