Sunday, September 21, 2008


It's only taken 8 months for this software engineer to figure out how, but ... I JUST FIGURED OUT HOW TO ENABLE COMMENTING ON POSTS HERE!!! When commenting, be aware the comment will be public & please be mindful of the fact that other folks read this blog than you. Or, write your comment down on paper first, go stand on a crowded city corner, and just yell it a few times. If nobody hits you, all right then. If nobody thinks you're crazy for standing and yelling on the corner... you're in the right town.

Back to your regularly scheduled program:

So a person starts choking in a restaurant, and their dinner partner stands up & yells "Can anybody help?!?" A good citizen comes over quickly and ... licks the choker. They stop coughing right away. The dinner partner is like "Thanks so much, but what the heck? How did you do that?" The life-saver says "Well, I'm Mr. Heim... that was a Heim-lick maneuver." (That's a Jeff Knox Original. That's also maybe why I can't find a girlfriend. Note to self: "no jokes on first dates, just read the menu out loud if you have to")

1 comment:

  1. I'M THE COOLEST EVER! I left you a comment! Oh, wait, I am you. (Next time, this'll be done in my head)


Say something here. In an ideal world, it would reference the post above...

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Captain Jack Kidd
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
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