So to get started in this Vocational Rehab center where I'll go for 5 weeks in March, you gotta take these state Work Keys tests before you show up so they'll already have some idea of where you're at so they can help you progress. So before taking the tests, I'm reading some of the online preparation stuff. From the document:
"Be precise in marking your answer document. Be sure that you fill in the correct circles on your answer document."
OHHH, I see now, thanks for making it so clear! THAT'S what I've been doing wrong! The CORRECT one, well I'll be damned. Is it possible to re-take grade school now that I understand how the game is played?
Calculators with a typewriter keypad (letter keys in QWERTY format)--Note: Letter keys not in QWERTY format are permitted."
Oh yeah, since the layout of the keyboard keys has SO much to do with what they're used for. We're crystal clear on that. So my Texas Instruments TI-95 with QWERYT keys won't be a problem. How about a calculator with Q taped over with tape that says 'sounds like 'K'?And we were the 1st state to secede. Oh yeah. I just know there was some state pride somewhere, now where'd I'd put it?
This really made my day...especially because I'm sitting here studying for a Math exam where I am not allowed to use calculators. Thanks Jeff!! =)