Monday, June 27, 2011

ha! spell-check foibles

So I'm typing a paper that explains how I modified a toy to make it more accessible a child with special needs.  I super-glued some wine bottle tops to pieces of a puzzle, to make them more easily grasped.  I'm typing my paper into an OpenOffice text document.  (in case you don't know, the suite is a free replacement for the Microsoft tools to make text documents, spreadsheets, drawings, you name it.  Since it's open-source, free equals awesome)  Now the reason I chose to use the word grasped above is because I originally wanted to say grippable.  But I can't figure out if that's a real word or not-- although it's used on the internet (which proves nothing), two different programs are flagging it as a spelling error, and I don't have the cell phone number of any English professors.  But what's amusing is that when I right-clicked grippable in OpenOffice to see what suggestions it had to replace my wayward spelling, it gave me these options:

  • shippable
  • flippable
  • graspable
  • trappable
  • undroppable
  • republican
Ha!  I was with them right up until republican-- wha?  Huh?  Is this some democratic computer programmer's sneaky way of telling me that they think republicans need to get a grip?  I'm so confused I'm going to lunch.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

so this is how they settle affairs in Wisconsin

Looking at today's news, at first I didn't notice this was about the Wisconsin Supreme Court-- I thought it was the highest court in the land... but no, them there's about sum o' dem Whiskey-onsin critters...  Wow.  Is the Jerry Springer show still on the air?

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 11:52 PM PDT

News Tonight

Justices' feud gets physical
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley late Saturday accused fellow Justice David Prosser of putting her in a chokehold during a dispute in her office earlier this month. "The facts are that I was demanding that he get out of my office and he put his ...
Wisconsin justice accuses colleague of choking herPort Huron Times Herald
Wisconsin justice accuses colleague of choking herCBS 5 - Green Bay
Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow justice by the
Boise Weekly -New York Times
all 690 news articles »

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

AWESOME-- the government does something right!

I just got my Google News by email, and look at this story!

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 05:59 AM PDT

New York Daily News

New graphic cigarette warnings unveiled
Washington Post
The federal government Tuesday unveiled nine graphic images that will be required on all cigarette packs and advertising as part of a powerful new warning strategy. The images include a picture of a man smoking through a tracheotomy hole ...
Graphic new cigarette warnings setMarketWatch
FDA Releases Final Cigarette Warning LabelsWall Street Journal
Dead Body, Cancerous Lungs Will Appear on U.S. Cigarette Packs Next YearBloomberg
CBS News -Doctors Lounge -Louisville Courier-Journal
all 937 news articles »

To see all of them, and how hard-hitting the fight against smoking has finally become, go to the Washington Post article and click on View Photo Gallery under the guy smoking through his tracheotomy hole.  Now this is straight up hardcore!  Go government!  Rah rah rah!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

something good... and also stupid

So I just made something that I'm very proud of.  For the Frazee Dream Center, the after-school program I volunteer at, I just made signs for their bathroom walls to go right by the light switch that say "Bathroom lights: on = spending, off = saving."  I was all proud of them, I made spending in red and saving in green, and other graphics nifties.  It took me about an hour of work with the GIMP, the powerful free Photoshop replacement.  People in the surrounding three state often refer to me as "the GIMP genius", and it took me an hour.  It was well done.

Then I was walking back to Frazee with my two signs in hand, thinking "Oh yeah, enabling the next generation of hippies, uh huh, that's right, who is the man-- I'm not gonna answer that 'cuz I think we all know the answer, which happens to rhyme with banana-fanna-fo-Feff..."  About halfway there I stopped dead in my tracks and realized "Oh WAIT-- why'd I use the GIMP?  It's almost like I drew each letter, that's why it took an hour.  Aw man, DUH.  If I'd just used a word processor like OpenOffice, it would have taken about 5 minutes.  Sheesh.  Next time I'll just carve them signs out of marble, that shouldn't take long."  So the lesson of the day for the home audience, which I'm sure you all have learned years ago, is ALWAYS ENSURE YOU'RE USING THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB.  (yeah, I get to learn basic lessons all over again)  Now that being said, I'm getting hungry for lunch, so it's time to go crank up the ol' lawn mower...  (please tell me that's the right tool for hunger)  ;-)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

computer science is like a kindergarten...

I just realized that the vocational path I'm beginning is ALMOST EXACTLY like the vocational path I was on.  (this gets fairly dorky, read on only if you wanna get dorkified; you have been warned)

So I was previously a software developer, almost exclusively in the Java language.  Say I was writing a program to mimic and predict classroom behavior.  The way Java works is that you write code to define a child: what kinds of properties they have-- they have hair of a certain color, they're a certain height, a certain weight, these interests, those needs, etc., etc.-- and also in what ways you can interact with entities of this sort.  This definition is called a 'class', and it acts just like a blueprint.  Then you create many instances of that class to make objects.  Each object will be defined by the blueprint, just as a single construction blueprint can be used to make many instances of buildings that all function exactly alike.  But the thing is that each object can have it's unique (not necessarily so) values for each property defined in the blueprint, and those may modify how it behaves, just as two building with the same blueprint may seem totally different.  Say the blueprint calls for a child to have a hair color & a height.  I can make two instances of my 'Child' class, which will be two objects called Jack & Jill.  I'll give Jack brown hair and 4.5 feet in stature, and make Jill a fiery redhead at 5 feet tall.
     Now what has just occurred to me is that this is what I'm in school for-- to learn the attributes and properties that make up the 'Child' class.  More than just hair color & height, also items about their needs, etc.-- and I'm not learning about actual children, I'm learning what I might find as I get to know the children.  So I'm not learning to deal with objects of the Child class, I'm learning the Child class itself, what a child's needs might be, etc.--- the 'Child' blueprint.
     And here is the difference between computer science and the education field-- in computer science, I was the architect: I'd first define the Child class, which is made of what composes a Child and what they're capable of, and then I'd make two objects of the Child class, name them Jack & Jill, and give Jack brown hair & give Jill red, etc., as I desire.  That is a designed approach, which implicates there is a designer, which was me as the software engineer.  BUT in a classroom, I'm not choosing the properties that make up a child-- "defining the class"-- OR the values for those properties that make up each individual child-- "instantiating an object of the Child class"-- I'll be trying my best to discover what those values are.  So instead of me making a Child class, which is the definition of a Child, and then making many instances of my Child class to form my classroom and giving each Child their own unique attributes, NO, it's that I'm learning in school now what the definition of the Child class is, and then later, I'll be presented with many instances of the Child class.

If you aren't totally dorked out by now, it has MUCH to do with this concept: a top-down approach vs. a bottom-up design.  Huh!  And given that Java is object-oriented, and o.o. languages are bottom-up designs, and a kindergarten is clearly bottom-up, I may have already spent 5 years in training to work in a kindergarten!  Cool thought...

I'd like to introduce a new term: replace "teacher" with "educational engineer."  Once you buy in that each child represents a collection of processes, then working in the field of education isn't a way to churn out finished products that will forever stay statically in the state they were in when I was done, it's a way to modify the processes already in place, and help new ones get started right.  Wow... I'm mildly intimidated... this is starting to sound like it's going to be a harder field to work in.  (quit talking, Jeff, you're scaring Jeff)  All right, bring it on!  I can meet the challenge!  I think they oughta start making a 4-year C.S. degree a prerequisite to the Early Child Development 101 class... ;-)

Friday, June 10, 2011

you can't make this stuff up!

My current summer semester class is Exceptional Children, both gifted & with special needs.  Here is a quote from my textbook, I kid you not:
"Identifying Vision Problems:
     Warning signs:
           * inability to see well"

Wow.  YOU DON"T SAY.  Wouldn't that kind of be the definition of "vision problems"?

Then it goes on to include another checklist, for determining a different health issue.  "Check for the following clinical signs.  Does the child bring in assignments sent home?  Does the child play with classmates?  Does the child react to stimuli?  Does the child ever show any signs of movement?  Does the child in fact breathe?  If the answer to all of these questions was 'no', this child appears to be dead.  Do you still not follow?  His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-CHILD!!"
(yeah, just kiddin', you know the book didn't say that, but I just had to work in this Monty Python reference-- that's a classic skit.  If you haven't seen it, you need to)

I just love it when things make sense...

... like the names of these two towns on the California/Mexico border, partway here, partway there.  But before you look, think about what you would name a town on the California/Mexico border.  Not that anyone's asking you to name towns, just if they did... would you have come up with either of these two?

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