Saturday, January 31, 2009

is that lunar wane shaft dingle-armed again?

Oh my goodness indeed.  I was looking though some old emails last night and found this video.  Now Rockwell Automation is a serious company-- well, maybe not THAT serious considering they made this. I've  been out of the business long enough that I didn't realize this was a joke at first, I thought it was just plain funny.  They're one of the companies that owned the company I worked for at the time of-- one of our 5(?) founding companies, known to us as Founders.  The gent that was one of our main contacts there and who just confirmed this IS a joke was my sailing mentor.

I feel very... 2 today

Today is 2 days before 2 day, 2/2.  (Looking forward to Sept. 9th of this year)  There oughta be a name for that, like... the "golden day" of each month.  Or "redundancy day redundancy day."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Now I have some obscene nicknames for deserts I like, such as calling gelato "sex in a cup", but without a doubt this IS "the winning ticket to heaven". Or "party in your mouth". Or "Uh oh, am I dead?" As far as ranking deserts, I would give strawberry milkshakes a 100%, gelato a 200%, and THIS a ((100 raised to the 100) times (1 followed by infinite zeros)) to the power of infinity %. Oh. My. Goodness.

Baked Apple Bundles

Preheat oven to 350.

2 granny smith apples
2 cans of refrigerated crescent rolls
2 cups water
1 1/4 c. sugar or Splenda
1 1/2 sticks butter or margarine

Cut apples into eighths and peel. Wrap each apple in dough for one crescent roll, covering apple completely.
Put apple bundles in greased 9x13" pan.
Heat water in saucepan with sugar/Splenda and butter/margarine until boiling and butter is melted. Add 1 T. cinnamon. Stir to mix thoroughly. Remove from heat and pour over apple bundles. Sprinkle tops of apple bundles with cinnamon.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes, until rolls are lightly browned. Serve warm, drizzling extra syrup on top of bundles. Makes 8 servings.
(Jeff laughs, lucky to get 1)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Die Uh Lec Tie Zer

-Jeff: I'm going to tell you all about something that I'm pretty sure you have no reason to know about.

-Redneck: ah's a-gonna tell yo' all about sumpin thet ah's purdy sho'nuff yo' haf no reason t'knows about.

-Jive: I'm goin' t'tell ya' all about sump'n dat I'm fine sho' man ya' gots no reason t'know about. Man!

-Cockney: I'm bloody well gonna tell you lot about sumfink that I'm pretty sure yer 'ave no reason ter know about.

-Elmer Fudd: I'm going to teww you aww about something that I'm pwetty suwe you have no weason to know about.

-Swedish chef: I'm gueeng tu tell yuoo ell ebuoot sumetheeng thet I'm pretty soore-a yuoo hefe-a nu reesun tu knoo ebuoot. Um de hur de hur de hur.

-Moron: I'm goigg t' tell you all bou' somedigg dat I'm pretty sure you habe no reason t' know bou'.

-Pig Latin: I'myay oinggay otay elltay youay allyay aboutyay omethingsay atthay I'myay ettypray uresay youay avehay onay easonray otay owknay aboutyay.

-Hacker: i'/\/\ going tt0 tellyou asll about dsomeThing th4t i"m prettY sureypou have no reason to jknow aboput!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 lolololololool

-Complete nincompoop: I'm going to tell you all about something that I'm pretty sure you have no reason to know about. HEY THAT'S WHAT I SAID! WHAT TRICKERY IS THIS?!?

Friday, January 16, 2009


Alright, so I started this blog to share my progress on the recovery path with y'all. Let's get back to that.

I found out this morning that I made it into the vocational rehab program in Columbia, SC where I'll go for 5 weeks starting March 22nd. The purpose is to evaluate my work skills & help me choose possible careers based on my strengths & interests. Finally! I've been waiting a long time for this. We went over & took the tour recently. It's a deal where I stay at the center M-F and have days that go from 6AM to 4PM. So it may be rough & tumble, it may be simple & easy-- who can say yet.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

um, never mind

Okay never mind about being able to make long distance calls from my house for free with my cell. Apparently, that was only for one day. Sheesh.

But here's something that cracks me up: it starts at 55 seconds in. Watch this.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

T-Mobile added a tower!!!

Why do I care? I have this new cell phone that's sweet-- the G1. Well, it would be sweet if T-Mobile's coverage covered my house. As of yesterday, they DO!!! So just send me an email saying "Call me at XXX-XXXX," I'll get the email on my phone (!) and when my schedule permits, I can call cross-country for free!!! (Well, only free for 1,000 minutes (their cheapest plan), but I'm starting to realize how loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong 1,000 minutes is.)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Just call Google

Need to find a something? I just found out about this and it's sweet as all-get-out.

...and then a magician wandered by, but no one needed him.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

'09 will be free of Keppra-rage

Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper? He sold his soul to Santa.

Alright, so here's a fact about me that you probably didn't know. EARLY on in my coma, a doctor read my EEG as abnormal and thought my brain was having a seizure or was trying to induce a seizure. So I started taking anti-seizure drugs, at first by IV, then up until yesterday, by pills at EVERY breakfast & dinner. Well, we've since learned that doctor's judgment is questionable, and gone back to get my EEG on disc. We've shown it to other doctors who don't read a seizure into it. So we started the long weaning-off process, which ended up being about three months. As of 1/1/09 I am Keppra free!

The second part of this is an apology for any things I may have done or said in the last year and a half that seemed like I was getting oddly bent all out of shape over minor, trivial details. That was likely due to that drug. It's called Keppra-rage and it's a well-known side effect. If I got all bent out of shape over small stuff pre-5/26/07, well, I can't blame Keppra for that, but sorry still.

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Captain Jack Kidd
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
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