Sunday, September 19, 2010

whoops, NEVER MIND about the plank record

NEVER MIND.  Turns out that was due to a massive caffeine overload after I bought an "energy drink" from a street vendor, on top of my daily dose of Provigil, which is a caffeine overload by itself.  I discovered this since my vision all of a sudden got incredibly jittery, and I got freaked out, got a neighbor to verify if my eyes were shaking, talked to dad, and when I told dad about the energy drink, he pieced it together.  After about 6 cups of water and milk and some protein bars, everything returned to normal as far as my vision goes.  Explains the SIX minute plank... and I thought I was all He-Man and stuff.  I think I'll go back to my 2.5 minute planks, on good days.

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