Wednesday, June 15, 2011

something good... and also stupid

So I just made something that I'm very proud of.  For the Frazee Dream Center, the after-school program I volunteer at, I just made signs for their bathroom walls to go right by the light switch that say "Bathroom lights: on = spending, off = saving."  I was all proud of them, I made spending in red and saving in green, and other graphics nifties.  It took me about an hour of work with the GIMP, the powerful free Photoshop replacement.  People in the surrounding three state often refer to me as "the GIMP genius", and it took me an hour.  It was well done.

Then I was walking back to Frazee with my two signs in hand, thinking "Oh yeah, enabling the next generation of hippies, uh huh, that's right, who is the man-- I'm not gonna answer that 'cuz I think we all know the answer, which happens to rhyme with banana-fanna-fo-Feff..."  About halfway there I stopped dead in my tracks and realized "Oh WAIT-- why'd I use the GIMP?  It's almost like I drew each letter, that's why it took an hour.  Aw man, DUH.  If I'd just used a word processor like OpenOffice, it would have taken about 5 minutes.  Sheesh.  Next time I'll just carve them signs out of marble, that shouldn't take long."  So the lesson of the day for the home audience, which I'm sure you all have learned years ago, is ALWAYS ENSURE YOU'RE USING THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB.  (yeah, I get to learn basic lessons all over again)  Now that being said, I'm getting hungry for lunch, so it's time to go crank up the ol' lawn mower...  (please tell me that's the right tool for hunger)  ;-)

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