Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ah... ah... ah, choo!

Now this is a classic. My family has celebrated Xmas, and I have to brag about one thing I gave Dad. This probably comes from his career in a hospital (I hope), but our house has hand sanitizer very nearby AT ALL TIMES, and Dad has a bottle in his pocket so much that, if I need to use some, I just ask him "Bear?" which refers to this saying: "Does a bear go to the bathroom in the woods?" since I'd keel over dead from the surprise if he's not carrying hand sanitizer.
So I gave him this dispenser. Now it's on our fridge, full of Purell. Now imagine what it's like before meal-time. We go push the big nose and lather our hands in whatever comes out. Mmm, mmm good.

A Jeff Knox 1 AM original (think double entendre): If you don't try sex before marriage, you might just get screwed.

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