Thursday, January 1, 2009

'09 will be free of Keppra-rage

Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper? He sold his soul to Santa.

Alright, so here's a fact about me that you probably didn't know. EARLY on in my coma, a doctor read my EEG as abnormal and thought my brain was having a seizure or was trying to induce a seizure. So I started taking anti-seizure drugs, at first by IV, then up until yesterday, by pills at EVERY breakfast & dinner. Well, we've since learned that doctor's judgment is questionable, and gone back to get my EEG on disc. We've shown it to other doctors who don't read a seizure into it. So we started the long weaning-off process, which ended up being about three months. As of 1/1/09 I am Keppra free!

The second part of this is an apology for any things I may have done or said in the last year and a half that seemed like I was getting oddly bent all out of shape over minor, trivial details. That was likely due to that drug. It's called Keppra-rage and it's a well-known side effect. If I got all bent out of shape over small stuff pre-5/26/07, well, I can't blame Keppra for that, but sorry still.

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