Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Vocational Rehab Evaluation, day #13, DDT!

Okay, so I finally got DDT today!!! The guy in charge of the pool got in the water today and walked me through Don't Drown Training. As a refresher, every time my head goes underwater, I have a STRONG desire to suck down as much water as I can-- done that a few times. First, I held onto the side of the pool and just dunked my head for 5 seconds. Since that worked, I did it 10 times for 10 seconds each. Worked. ('This is easy')

So then I learned a few swimming stroke tips ("Breathe when your face is OUT of the water") and actually did the crawl for a few laps!!! That's a HUGE WIN in my book! I'm starting to get away from reminding myself "I am not a fish..."

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