Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ultimate Frisbee, A.S.I. & Gvegas apt's

Oh wow. So I just played my first game of Ultimate Frisbee in probably 10 years. Woo-hah. Now, it did show me that I clearly need to work on aerobic exercises. I didn't actually play the whole game, only about half an hour. Holy junkbutter. But hey... sweet! Better than lying on your back in a hospital! Tried that, didn't fit me.

Who were they? In case you didn't know, is a place for folks who are interested in the same things, to connect up & do those activities. As in, there is a whole group here for kickball, and I've begun playing with them. (Have you played kickball since you were 4?) There's other groups, such as one I went tubing with down a river last weekend, Foothills Outdoor Adventures, and more. It's free to register on the site & sign up for most things. I recommend it as a way to meet new folks who have the same interests. And I'm finding out that out of the folks you see in one group, you'll probably see some of the same folks in other groups-- it's a whole Meetup "crowd". And since the majority/entirety of my pre-wreck friends have disappeared off the face of the earth... sweet. Good find. (If you get involved in a local Meetup group, holla at me)

In case you don't know what ultimate frisbee is, it's sorta like football that's played with a disc (even played on the same field layout), and with some important rule changes.
  1. No contact. Accidentally running into someone will probably be a foul.
  2. Call your own fouls. This is reinforced by players' belief in a long-upheld mindset called "spirit of the game".
  3. No running with the frisbee. All forward movement of the disc to the other team's endzone is only through passes. If a pass hits the ground, is intercepted, anything other than being caught, that right there is a turnover. And instead of football's notion of "get lined up and get ready to go when the ball is snapped", as soon as the disc is intercepted or touches the ground, immediately play starts in the other direction. So you only get a brief rest when somebody scores.
The reason I find this game so interesting is that 10 years ago (you probbly remember this), me & another guy started Furman's inter-collegiate Ultimate Frisbee team, "My House." (When you scored, you told your nearest defender "That was my house.") So, time to go get my stamina built back up. I'll call this game Ultimate Motivation.

Oh yeah, and this morning was my first day at the Accelerated Sports Institute (A.S.I.) getting worked out. (This is the place that's mostly used now by professional athletes) It seems pretty good-- the machines almost all have a built-in deal where the faster you go, the more resistance you get. So you can kinda pick how hard you wanna work as you go. I'm currently on a 2-3 days a week plan.

And, to make this the Guiness World's Longest Blog Post, I'm looking at moving to an apartment in Greenville. Since you pay a monthly membership to the A.S.I., go as much as you want, that would be sweet. I would really like A) a roommate & B) a job first... we'll see. And on the job front, I dropped off an application at Mast General Store today. It's basically an outdoors outfitter type of store-- so bearded hippies like me fit right in. And it's about 75 feet from the apartments I'm looking at. And I'm looking at apartments on Main Street, and there's such an overabundance of restaurants on Main, who cares that I don't really care to learn to cook. Healthy Choice microwave meals, a choice of restaurants, and me make a sweet threesome.

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