Friday, March 26, 2010

silver foxes/cuttlefish/take-out cash

HUH!  Very interesting... the silver fox experiment: (10 minute video).  This has lots of implications...

Very random, but very cool-- videos of cuttlefish.  Huh-- learn something new every day.

How smart do you have to be, to be a criminal?  This smart.

What's a sheep without legs?  A cloud.


  1. Anonymous3/27/2010

    Like your web site. Where do you find all these interesting tid bits?
    King of Prussia Philadelphia

  2. interesting silver fox experiment... i think the duke guy missed the mark when he described the traits that got carried over with the tame trait as "infantile"... i think the tame foxes lost their "hunting" traits... aggression is a trait that is useful for finding food and defending, therefore the aggressive trait should be "paired" with physical traits that compliment hunting and defending... like height and pointy ears and the such....

  3. Sorry, where I ran across these is a trademark TBI secret.


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