Monday, March 16, 2009

stitches are out

That skiing fall-on-the-pole episode ended up in a few sutures INCREDIBLY close to my eye. But after just 7 days, I just got 'em taken out just fine. And all was well and just with the world, just so (I just randomly wanted to see how many times I could work in the word 'just'... 6). And there were some dried scabs nobody but a doctor was touching, and those are gone too. So I'm looking "normal" again. (or as normal as I CAN look while I'm on leave from being the star exhibit in the circus's Wild And Crazy Danger Seekers show-- I do miss the part where my head goes in the gator's mouth while I put it to sleep by singing slow Jimmy Buffett tunes though (I still sing myself to sleep, "...on a slooow boat to China...")).

[wow, how was THAT for a trip down Random Lane?... TBIs can be fun... well, OK, you can at least make TBIs "interesting"]

Now, the doctor said there may not be any scarring, and I was like "Ah, MAN! How are you ever gonna become a feared pirate sailor without at least SOME facial scars?" Looks like I gotta take up juggling knives pretty high while on a moving sidewalk with one eye closed again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/24/2009

    Buy yourself an eye patch to keep up appearances - just make sure you always wear it on the correct side. :o)


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