Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vocational Rehab, day #3

Today I actually got to DO stuff, meaning the pool & the gym, after taking a math test... that a 3rd grader would have aced. And earlier we had an hour-long class called "brain injury 101." Um, HELLOOOOO, I've only had two YEARS of learning all about them. Shouldn't WE be teaching YOU? Isn't experience the best teacher?

There is a computer-retraining school later this year here that retrains programmers and you need to go through this Basic Training to get into it. So yes, I do very much want to re-become a software geek. I'm proving that every day by going through this "I've already graduated this therapy 6 months ago" h*ll-program.

I know I want to re-become a software geek because for the 3 weeks before I came here, on Tues. & Thurs., I went to the "work floor" before speech therapy. The work floor was the most menial labor kind of work-- I had a job (putting together Thermos lids) that had TWO steps, so that was fixed next time I came back to have someone else do the second step. OH, thank you thank you thank you. I can't tell you how taxing it was to do BOTH steps. And don't even get me started about doing them in the proper order. So I guess I like jobs that involve thought-- who knew. And I guess I shouldn't call what I did there a "job." Since I live an hour away from the work floor, I only made it in 2 half-days a week. And you only actually get paid if you are there 40 hours a week. So not so much on the "job", more on the "volunteering for this abuse".

Good news is that going to the gym most days a week might let me leave here ripped. OK, if not ripped, at least slightly torn. Geez, if not torn, then ruffled by a breeze. A strong breeze. Ok, if not a breeze-- WILL YOU GET OFF MY BACK?!?

Updates may be sparse from here on in. Just assume it's incredibly basic therapies and yes, it sucks.

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