Thursday, October 1, 2009

Independance Day: 10/1/09

So I'm just beaming. TODAY WAS MY 1ST TOTALLY INDEPENDENT DAY. My folks aren't even in this town. I walked over to the bus station and took a bus to my gym. I took a bus back. I was concerned about finding my way from the gym to the bus stop, since I've only walked it once before in that direction. But I found it easily (memory's doing so much better). Also found that I like taking buses, as you get to mingle with the public and meet all kinds of folks, as well as read a book.

And as far as my selection of reading choices goes, I'm near the beginning of The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas. This book turned dad from a "reads a menu when forced to" reader into "a new book every week or two" reader. Highly recommended. And I got to this part today:
"Die? Oh, no!" he cried out. "What would be the point of having lived and suffered so much if I were going to die now? No, I want to live, to fight on to the end. I want to win back the happiness that was taken away from me."

And having my independence back means I've won back that happiness.


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