Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ally's eCheck service! way cool!

That was cool!  I got a check for my birthday, and I deposited it in my checking account-- without going anywhere!  Took about 10 minutes!  I did in the evening, and it could have been done any time of day or night!  I've long been a fan of the way Ally does banking, but this new service is (as the kids are wont to say) DA BOMB!  (or does that date me as over 30?  over 32, as of 3 days ago)  I scanned my check into the computer, and they verified later by email that it had been processed!  Now, they've had this coming for awhile, but being a computer graphics geek, I had been thinking there's no way they can get folks to scan in the image to their specification.  I mean, they'd have to specify dots-per-inch resolution, file format (BMP/JPG/GIF/PNG/TGA/Tiff/etc), image size in pixels, image size in megabytes, etc... there's just no way.  Good luck getting John Q. Public (not you, I mean your neighbor) to understand that.  I mean, not everyone understand how powerful & useful the free GNU Image Manipulation Program is (GIMP).  BUT NO-- I simply went to, clicked that I wanted to transfer money in via an eCheck deposit, and they walked me through the whole process right there!  They even checked the image to see if it was legible!  Wow.  Banking joins the 21st century!  Welcome, glad you caught up!  (Chad & Janet, if you're still reading this blog, this bank may be for U.S. customers only, sorry, I really dunno but I doubt it, they're pretty big.  How's things on your side of the pond?)

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