Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the author of Life Without Limits

So for my recent birthday, my California relatives gave me the book Life Without Limits.  (thanks y'all!)  It's an unbelievable premise: this man, Nick Vujicic, was born with NO ARMS OR LEGS!  And he maintains a healthy sense of humor, and apparently achieves more than anyone guessed-- he's a motivational speaker.  (I haven't read it yet, but mom has and says it's awesome)  Dad just found a video of the author, and you just gotta see this video on Youtube! If you'd like to pick up a copy of the book yourself, here's where you can find it online, or at some of your local bookstores or even in a library. (click "Get this book in print" on the left)  (HA!  I just found that if you say to find this book in a library, it starts with local libraries... all the way down to libraries in Australia and Singapore!  Can you imagine trying to get a library card?)

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